Food, Personal Stories, Southeast Asia, Thailand
The definitive guide to the best Burger in Chiang Mai, Thailand
This is the endgame. Searching for the ultimate Burger in Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai has a lot of Burger places. I have tried all of them. Are 0 Like11 mins read2 Views

Meeting new people while travelling: The One Day Stand
Meeting people is one of the most important aspects of travelling. However, most of such meetups while end in what I call “One Day Stands”: Meeting, getting 0 Like4 mins read1 View

Philippines, Southeast Asia, Volunteering
Volunteering: Visiting the children of Manilas prisons, Philippines
As we entered the facility, dozens of children storm to the iron bars that held them inside their cells. The stifling hot room was made up of 0 Like4 mins read2 Views
About Me
Donec eros aseb dui, sscipit ex uti como jusurpis egestas llam eta.